joi, 23 aprilie 2009

Club Penguin New Pin Cheats~~Tree pin

Hey penguins! The new pin is now available! Is a tree pin! lol :D To get it follow the next steps:

1. Click on the Map
2. Go to the Dojo Courtyard
3. Click on the small tree


miercuri, 22 aprilie 2009

Club Penguins Time #184 News

Hey all! The new newspaper is now available! Here are the news:

The newspaper present us a story for the Medieval Party( 8-17 May)

Club Penguin Times tell us more about the Paid Jobs. It says that all the secret agents or tour guide will get 250 coins and if you are a tour guide and also a secret agent you will get 500 coins. 

The next events will be: 
  •     New pin tomorrow 
  •     New tracks and a new toboggan starting April 24
  •     New Penguin Style Catalog starting May 1
  •     Club Penguin Medieval Party( 8-17 May)    


marți, 21 aprilie 2009

Club Penguin: Penguins Getting Paid

I have a good news! Club Penguin said that all the Tour Guide and all the Secret Agents will be PAID. How cool! That's awesome! I will be paid for being TG and SA! Coooooooooooooooooooooool! 

To be a Secret Agent you will need to have at least 30 days old. And you must take a quiz! I am a Secret Sgent , but you?

Awwwww! By the way, you will get paid starting May, 1st.


vineri, 17 aprilie 2009

April-May Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats!

Hey! The new furniture catalog is now available. The new itms are about garden! Take a look at the cheats.

Umm...aren't so new!  Only two cheats are new! And here they are:

Not so very cool! Few new items and cheats!


marți, 14 aprilie 2009

You Decide Result~~Medieval Party Sneak Peek

Did you remember the poll that CP made it for the Medieval Party! The winner was Choice #3!

Here is a sneak peek os this year Medieval Party:

I think is the book room! What do you think?


vineri, 10 aprilie 2009

Eggstravaganza***Club Penguin Easter Egg Hunt Cheats

How cool! I like very much the Egg Hunt! I love easter! I got them all, here are the cheats:

First egg is at the on the light from the Nightclub

The second egg is at the Cove

To get the third egg click on the Cart Surfer Game

The fourth egg is at the Dojo

For the fifth egg click on the hat from the Gift Shop

For the sixth egg click on the fish from the Ski Lodge

For the seventh egg click on top of the pole 

For the last egg click on the light switch at the Light House

Now you have the Pink Bunny Ears!


joi, 9 aprilie 2009

Club Penguin New Pin Cheats Chocolate Bunny

The new pin was release! Here are the stepsto get it:

1. Click on the Map
2. Go to the Forest
3. Click on the Bunny

The pin is very cool!


miercuri, 8 aprilie 2009

You Decide!! Club Penguin Medieval Party

Hey! It looks that we will have another medieval party in May. Club Penguin want us to choose the background! So if you want to vote click here and leave a comment there with your opinion!
Here are the backgrounds:

Please vote! Your vote matter! I voted!


duminică, 5 aprilie 2009

Penguin Play Award Winners

The winner is......."Quest of the Golden Puffle". Yes! WOO-HOOOO! OMG! I voted it! Also I think that this is  yellow puffle's fault. :D

Which was your vote?


New April Club Penguin Clothiing Catalog Cheats**

After a long hole day Club Penguin added the new Clothing Catalog! Here are some cool cheats:

For the "Black Graduation Cap" click on the coffee cup: 

For the "Red Viking Helmet" click on the flash:

For the blue one open and close for four times the red helmet:

For the blue "Spikester" click on the word coffee:

For the "Boa" click on the Purple Hoodie:

For the purple "Spikette" click on the purple dance floor square:

For the "Pot O'Gold" click on the pot of gold:

That's all! I am angry for the delay of the catalog!


joi, 2 aprilie 2009

April Fools Party Is Now Here~~~Free Item cheat!

Today is the April Fools Party! Is so cool on Club Penguin. There are so many funny boxes! Here are some pics:

A new room is now open but only for non-members. Here they can buy some teleporting box.

And you can come here:

~Blue Propellor Cap~

Here are the steps to get the blue cap:

1. Click on the Map
2. Go to the Mine
3. Eter in the Mine

Now you have it! 

Do you like this party?
