joi, 26 februarie 2009

Rockhopper is back to Club Penguin Town!!!***Free item cheats

Rockhopper is back to Club Penguin Town! Hurrrray!! He came with the Treasure Map Background!!!OLD!! :( But I will find him again!! Ok let help you to get the free item and the

 "Rockhopper's Rare Items" cheats.

 Free Item: Is a Treasure Map Background. To get it follow this steps:

 1. Click on the map icon;

2. Go to the Beach

3. Enter in the "Migrator"

4. Go into the lower deck

5. Click on the Rockhopper map down side of the screen

Now you got it!

"Rockhopper's Rare Items" cheat:

Tell me if you meet Rockhopper and where!


******Pin AlErT**O' Berry Pin**Puffle Style

The new pin appeard!!Here are the 3 steps to get it:

1. Click on the map icon;
2. Go to the Ice Berg;
3. Go to the down side:

Now you have it!


Club Penguin "Migrator" glitch!**Must be fixed

Go to the beach in the back of the ship and you will see the word "Migrator" turn in "Migrateur ( in french). I tink he will be fixed soon so hurry up!

Nice glitch!


Withe Puffle on a Rockhopper Photo

A withe puffle appear on the Notice Bar from the Captain's Quarters! Take a look:



Rockhopper's Coming

         Our old friend Rockhopper's been spotted in the telescope and he'll be docking here soon! I'm sure he'll bring surprises with him, so while he's here be sure to check out the Captain's Quarters in the Migrator for some rare items -- and his Treasure Hunt game.


duminică, 22 februarie 2009

Funny Puffle Competition

I make a little contest! I want from you to create a puffle like this one:

This is made by my! Create a puffle and name him! Send the image at The winner will be on my friends list!

P.S: The contest will end on March 23th 2009


Awesome Funny Club Penguin Puffle Party Vid

A cool vid is made by Club Penguin appeard! Is about the Puffle Party! Comment your oppinion!

For the vid click HERE 


sâmbătă, 21 februarie 2009

****White puffle Alert****

A white puffle appeard in Club Penguin! I think is the new colour and in the future you can buy him! I didn't like this puffle! Still, my favourite is the black one!

Do you met him? Post a comment!


joi, 19 februarie 2009

**********PaRtY aLeRt******************PuFfLe PaRtY******FrEe ItEm ChEaTs***

Party started this morning! The town is full of puffles: red one; blue one; black one...etc. :) !I think is the best Club Penguin Party!


To get the puffle bandana go to the cove:

A new room appeared! Is a puffle feed room. Take a look:

Snow Forts became a battle zone! I think is the coolest room:

Rooms are full of different puffles. Take a look:

The purple puffles room

The pink puffles room

The blue puffles room

The black puffles room

Click on the red button

The red puffles room

The yellow puffles room. Here a yellow funny puffle pain you!

The town

The dock

This party will be happening all weekend long! Don't forget about the Rockhopper returns!


Club Penguin Time: *************SecRet AlErT***

A new secret is available! I think is the best of all. Is about the old items! Take a look:


****Newspaper AleRt**** Issue #175

Hey the new newspaper appeard and is full of mystery. Will Rockhopper come to Club Penguin! He's ship will sink! Take a look:


sâmbătă, 14 februarie 2009

Magazine Alert************Stage Costume Trunk Cheats

Here are the cheats about the ' Costume Trunk ':

For the ' Viking Helmet ' go to the page 3rd and click on the red ball from the penguin's hands!


****Puffle Party***** Preparing

Here are some boxes! What do you tjink is inside?

This party will be the best from this month! I can't wait it! Don't miss it! It will be on February, 20th, 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!


Play ALERT ************New Play at The Stage

A new play is at the stage! Is new but old in the same time :)) lol. It's name is '  Team Blue vs. Team Red '!


******PIN Alert****

Hey! A new pin appeard! Is a Bok O'Puffle O's! I think is the coolest pin ever! What do you think? 
Here are some steps to got it:

Step 1: Go to the map and go to the Mine
Step 2: Enter in the Mine
Step 3: Go to the wall and click on it!

Now you have the pin!


joi, 12 februarie 2009

News Alert** Club Penguin Time #174 was release****

The new newspaper has release! The party puffle will be on February, 20th , 2009! Don;t miss it will be the best party in this month! Don't forget about the "Return of Team Blue" too. It will be tomorrow!


luni, 9 februarie 2009

Cool stuff is coming on Friday when you'll notice that your puffles will be playing more with their furniture items! Get ready to watch the new ways they sleep, play and eat. The best part is that their health will increase, too!

You can but some furniture items at the Pet Shop in the catalog!



*****Ultimate French Servers Alert!!!****

The French Servers are now open! They are so strange! Take a look:

Comment your opinion about the French style!


duminică, 8 februarie 2009

**WOOOOT** *1000 hits* PARTY***!!!

Next Monday I will have a party for ste's 1000 hits!! Thank you for visit my site and I hope to follow it in the next years!!
The party will be next Monday ( February, 16th, 2009) on Frozen at Dock at 10:00 a.m CP Time Zone! I doesen't expect to be a hudge party! This you deicde!!!


sâmbătă, 7 februarie 2009

OMG!!!Clones attacked Frozen Dock!!!

Clones attacked Frozen again. Look at the pics:

I reported them so please if you meet some bots report them for the best of Club Penguin


vineri, 6 februarie 2009

February Clothing Catalog Cheats

The new clothing catalog appeard! Here are the cheats:

For 'The Spikester' go to the 4th page and click on the first 'S' 

For 'The Spikette' go to the 5th page and click on the 'E'

For the 'Fruit Headdress' go to the 6th page and click on the blue dot

For the 'Viking Helmet' go to the 7th page and click on the plant in the pot

For the 'Blue Viking Helmet'  click on and off the red helmet 4 times

For the 'Russian Hat' go to the 8th page and click on the penguin's beak

For the 'Yellow Scarf' go to the 9th page and click on the carrot nose

For the 'Pink Pom Pom' go to the 10th page and click on the secon 'A' 

For the 'Red Hoodie' go to the 11th page and click on the 'L'

The cheats are great!
